Funeral Advice
When someone dies it is a difficult time for everyone involved and you may find it hard to think about what you have to do, below is a guide to help guide you through what to do at time of death. It is not necessary for you to register the death before making funeral arrangements, and the sooner you contact us the sooner we can start to help and guide you. Please remember we are here to help 24 hours a day so if you have any questions please do no hesitate.
Inform the doctor
As soon as possible inform the doctor that death has occurred. He/she may write out the Medical Certificate of Death when he/she visits the house, or may request you attend the surgery for this purpose.
The Coroner
In cases where the death has been reported to the Coroner the procedure is somewhat different. The Coroner and his officers are working in your interest. No doctor will issue a Medical Certificate of Death. This will be sent by the Coroner to the Registrar’s Office in the district where the death occurred, after contact has been made with the Coroner’s office.
When death occurs in hospital
When death happens in hospital the procedure is very similar. Apply to the hospital for the Medical Certificate of Death and not your family doctor.
Digital Autopsy
Digital autopsy eliminates the need for a traditional post mortem. This is a non invasive body scan taken to determine the cause of death. On the rare occasion when the cause of death can not be determined, a traditional post mortem would then take place.
The registration of a death needs to be completed by the legally responsible person, normally a relative or executor, someone present at the death, the occupier of the premises where the death occurred, or the person arranging the funeral. This person must attend the Register Office, with the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death, issued by the doctor, and the deceased person’s birth certificate and medical card, if available. You will need to make an appointment to register the death at your local registrars office.
When you register the death we recommend that you take advantage of the new “Tell Us Once” scheme, where you will be able to tell the authorities just once about your change of circumstances and they will notify local and government agencies on your behalf, saving you precious time and effort.
A death normally needs to be registered within five days, unless the Coroner is investigating the circumstances relating to the death. The five day period may be extended in certain circumstances.
How to register a death
Who can register?
- Close relative of deceased
- Relative in attendance during last illness
- A relative living in the district where death occurred
- A person present at death
- Someone who is arranging the funeral (not the funeral director)
- Green Cremation or Burial Certificate for the Funeral Director
- Social Security Certificate to be handed in at the D.S.S. Offices with any pension books Copies of Entry of Death for bank, insurance, solicitors
The Registrar will require the following:
- Full name of the deceased
- Home address
- Date and place of death
- Last Occupation
- Date of birth of deceased
- Whether deceased was a married woman
- Maiden name
- Husbands full name – even if deceased

Unattended Funeral
Also included is a simple coffin, the crematorium fee, the doctor’s fees, completing the necessary paperwork and the staff required to accompanythe deceased to the crematorium. The time and date of the service will take place at the Funeral Director’s discretion.

A Simple Funeral
This service is suitable if you have the flexibility to choose froma limited choice of dates and times for the service and you do not want any additional services added to the funeral. Also included is a simple coffin, and completing the necessary paperwork.

A Bespoke Funeral
This is a bespoke service where the funeral is arranged to each individuals requirements. The funeral arrangements, service and committal will all be at a time and date convenient to you and your family. Choice of Hearse / limousines and completion of paperwork.
with over 50 years of experience serving families
throughout Kirklees.